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Hallo, ich bin Ole W.

THE STORY: It all started with the fact that in early June 1989, we had a visit from some friends from Sindal and the talk fell on tennis. She, Lene Frandsen, chaired the tennis club and out to make us interested and get new members. She succeeded well, we decided on a trial membership, but had no equipment and therefore drove the next day in the direction of Aalborg, where from our skiing interest we knew a sports shop, Surf & Ski. On the way out we drove through Sindal, where it was also mentioned in the conversation that the campsite should be for sale. COOK AND SCHOOL TEACHER Never in my life would I ever imagine settling in an inland village of Sindal when we lived in Tversted, 100 meters from the best beach in Europe, in a beautiful log house on a beautiful undisturbed nature plot. However, we had sometimes toyed with the idea of buying a campsite. Dorte, with background as an educated teacher from “Kryb i ly Kro” and now in continuing education same place now as a third year chef, myself primary school teacher at Strandby School with mathematics, music and sports as a major subject, as well as with a lot of practical experience from a very active life then. But, as soon as there was a campsite on our route to the tennis racket shop, and this campsite would probably be significantly cheaper and more easily accessible than the campsites we had in our dream thoughts, yes we decided to just drop in to see square. Campsite owners The campsite is located on the south side of Hjørringvej, a small kilometer outside the city, towards Hjørring, at the top of Fjeldsted hill. Along the way there is a noise wall covered with rose petals, so from the outside you get no impression of the bliss of the place, and we were very surprised at how wonderfully peaceful and idyllic it was. To put it mildly, it was good enough for loving hands and bone grease, but we were excited and all the way to Aalborg we discussed the campsite. Sure enough we bought some nice rackets, but they never came into use, because on the way home we were still discussing camping and we felt that it all had a fair bit of realistic feasibility. That is why we contacted the real estate agent and before Sankt Hans, less than 14 days after friend’s evening, we had become a camping nut and friend at our own campsite. Modern family place Now, quite a few years have passed, incredible as time flies, but we are still happy with the decision and feel great joy in the life one has as a campsite owner. The campsite has undergone a great development and today appears as a tip top modern campsite, right at the forefront in terms of facilities and activities. Wireless internet: FREE We have accespoints all over the place so you can sit in your own caravan and be connected to the entire global network. New toilet building furnished with tidy family room, so there are now three whole toilet buildings, the new one and an almost new one also with family room + sauna and solarium, and then the old toilet building that has been newly renovated. New mini golf facility with twelve courses. New unit seats, so we can now offer seats in sizes 150, 120 and 100m2 and apart from the tent pitches all seats are provided with electricity meters with 10/13 and 16 A, where you pay according to your consumption and not according to a fixed tariff like the Few ever spend more than a fraction of. More than a hobby: In 2008 we felt that the campsite should probably be able to supply us with salt for the eggs and butter on the bread (from Ingeborg!), So Strandby School had to do it themselves. What a lovely decision. It is a bit of a privilege to work full time with his “hobby”. Canoes on Uggerby Å: In 2011, the business was expanded with canoe rental, so now we have also become “shipowners” with our own port: Sindal Marina. This happened because the tourist information, run by Sindal Development Center at the DSB station, unfortunately came in a municipal squeeze and had to close. More service: Therefore, in the spring of 2011, we converted our old information into a combined TOURIST INFORMATION and check-in Reception, so that tourists in the area should not go in vain. Although the municipality has made tourist information in the library, tourists are not open for many hours and the brochure committee is somewhat sparse. New initiatives. When things are going well, one can easily be tempted to sit back and enjoy life. We are enjoying life, but have not fully reclined. In 2012, we renewed the entire electrical system, and made new galvanized electricity stands with digital meters, in positions 21 – 64. These meters are read from bottom to top, and this has sometimes provided some funny figures when read from above. In 2013, we moved the large playground away from the area next to the big tent. This has freed up this whole large space and we have here established 20 electricity pitches and a number of non power places, where we can now offer participants on camping meeti

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